PM Narendra Modi Highlights 'Yoga Economy' in Srinagar on International Yoga Day

PM Narendra Modi Highlights 'Yoga Economy' in Srinagar on International Yoga Day
Prime Minister Narendra Modi celebrated International Yoga Day in Srinagar on Friday, emphasizing the growth of a 'yoga economy' and its global impact. Addressing an event in the capital of Jammu and Kashmir, PM Modi highlighted how yoga promotes a sense of interconnected well-being and has become a catalyst for new economic opportunities in India.
Reflecting on the journey of International Yoga Day, PM Modi noted that the United Nations declared June 21 as International Yoga Day in 2014 following his proposal. “I extend greetings to people across India and the world who are practicing yoga today. International Yoga Day has completed a historic journey of 10 years. In 2014, I proposed International Yoga Day at the United Nations, and it was supported by 177 nations, setting a record. Since then, Yoga Day has been creating new milestones”, he remarked.
In his speech, delivered against the scenic backdrop of the 'land of sadhna' in Srinagar, PM Modi shared that yoga’s global expansion has not only fostered personal well-being but also boosted yoga-related tourism and employment in India. “I have the privilege of being in Srinagar, a place rich in spiritual heritage, to celebrate Yoga Day. Here, we can feel the energy and strength derived from yoga. This ancient practice is increasingly recognized as a means to enhance health and happiness. I extend my wishes from Kashmir to everyone practicing yoga worldwide”, he said.
PM Modi highlighted that the practice of yoga has grown significantly over the past decade, leading to a surge in what he described as the 'yoga economy'. He observed that regions renowned for their yoga traditions, such as Rishikesh, Kashi, and Kerala, have witnessed increased tourism from individuals seeking authentic yoga experiences in India. “Today, a new wave of yoga tourism is visible. Tourists from around the world are visiting India to learn authentic yoga. This trend is creating numerous employment opportunities, particularly for the youth”, PM Modi explained. He also noted that the rising global interest in yoga has spurred individuals to engage personal yoga trainers for their fitness needs, further boosting the sector.
The Prime Minister acknowledged the increasing curiosity and interest in yoga among global leaders and the general public. “Wherever I travel and whoever I meet, they express a keen interest in yoga. Yoga is becoming an integral part of daily life for many people around the world”, he observed.
PM Modi underscored the holistic benefits of yoga, advocating for its inclusion in daily routines to enhance physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. He shared a notable example of a 101-year-old French woman who received the Padma Shri this year for her lifelong dedication to promoting yoga, despite having never visited India. “This recognition highlights the global influence of yoga. Today, prestigious universities and institutions worldwide are conducting research on yoga, and numerous research papers are being published, reflecting its widespread impact”, he added.
Encouraging the masses to embrace yoga, PM Modi emphasized that the practice fosters strength, good health, and overall wellness. He urged people to adopt this ancient system as a vital component of their lives, ensuring that its benefits continue to spread and enrich lives globally.